I've decided to include a ZnEq table so you can compare my resources against the number from the adjacent deposits to see how they compare.
Here are where the holes have been drilled
Tinka are trying to see how the South Ayawilca zone connects with the Central and West deposits.
Here is a section from South (left) to the Central deposit (right)
I've brought in the intercepts from the previous technical report, it isn't complete but it does illustrate that the lower zone appears to be thicker, and relatively consistent from the South to the central deposit. I also think that hole 74 and 75 just clipped the SE limits of mineralization and a couple of holes to the NW could get back into the thicker (>10m) higher grade (>5% Zn) zone.
It would be nice to see some holes to the SW as the 2 mineralized zones are coming close to surface. A few short holes could add some tonnes!
From South (left) to West Ayawilca (right)
A bit more complicated, do we have a fault between the 2 deposits. A few more holes will help....
Here is something interesting when I was looking at the copper data:
Is the copper data showing us a vector towards the heat source and root to the South and Central deposits?
Leapfrog views here (link)