Monday, September 24, 2018

Garibaldi - Italian Hero or Italian Hero?

Everyone loves a good biscuit, but which is better? Rich Tea, Bourbon Cream or a chocolate Hob Knob?

If there are any American readers, Oreos are crap, and Fig Newtons are called Fig Rolls, and Penguins are much better than Tim Tams.

Moving away from the flour-based baked food products, after a rather long time Garibaldi managed to drop a chocolate cobra and publish some drill results.

So all the data has been put in 3D (link) and I want you to download and review the 3D model and check the following:

  1. Where are the 2018 holes located?
  2. How big are the massive sulfide zones?
  3. Where can the sulfide zones be extended?
A bit of a cop out, but I'll write a complete post tomorrow, I wanted people to have a gander at the data first.


  1. It's a shame that those 2017 holes keep close off so much of the deposit. Probably should have kept those under wraps as well.

  2. PVG repurchasing streaming agreement. Good news for Brucejack.

  3. but the pod is getting enlarged in all directions by 10's of meters. Tonnage must be getting near mine stage. No??

  4. Just to keep people believing they said they are going to drill a "step out" hole 1.5 km away. Hmmmm.

  5. Ass Ventura....what evidence do you have of the 15 dusters? Or is it that you didn't pick up on the continuation of last year's drill hole count?

    Also, I was going to read the blog you're promoting but it doesn't appear to be written in English. Google translate told me it's derived from a language known as bullshit.

  6. Or maybe Ace Ventura they're continuing on the numbering sequence they left off on last year....
    From the Jan 25, 2018 NR" Results from the first 14 drill holes strongly suggest that the Discovery zone and the Northwest historic zone"


  7. MacAskill, you're nothing more than a blathering idiot.

    You don't go back to hole 1 each year. That can only lead to confusion and errors. All holes receive unique numbers, not considering the year they were drilled.

    1. Many companies go back to hole 1 each year, although it appears that this one didn't. The fact that holes are labelled with the year makes them unique from other years. No need to use a sequential numbering system over multi years. Check out Copper Mountain Ingerbelle drill programs for 2017 & 2018 for an example.

    2. I normally follow that scheme, but it seems to vary by comopany (SolGold is a good example of continuing the hole numbers, but having a year prefix, which is really irritating for the daughter hole IDs)

  8. Doesn't matter about the 10's of metres. Quickest way to visualize this is math. A 100 X 100 X 100 m block of rock is ~2.7 Million tonnes. To drill define that you need 9 drillholes(spaced 30m apart) in 3 rows of 3 all hitting 100+ metres of > 1% Ni. This is not happening.

  9. 6 million spent so far roughly (26-6= 20)
    8000m drilled
    6 million divided by 8000m = $750 per meter

    That is insane!

    1. Massive G&A?

      I'm guessing Helicopter support (moving the rigs) adds up, and you need a few bucks for the consultants....

  10. If you shrink one axis you have to expand the others to compensate. For instance if your horizon is ~10 metres you need a 300 by 300 m area at 10 metres to get roughly the same result. At a drill spacing similar to above (30m) you need 81 drill holes all hitting 10m + at >1% Ni

  11. Two ways to tweak this is to find more zones, so you can fill the cube with multiple zones, or the deposit will be thicker than 10m in some places building extra tonnage so every drill hole doesn't have to hit at least 10m of 1% Ni.

    Garibaldi's problem is that to make it work, they need to fill at least 2-3 100 by 100 by 100 blocks with greater than 1% Ni 1% Cu + 1 g/t 3E (Au+Pd+Pt), otherwise it just won't work economically. What the market wanted to see was movement towards filling those blocks. So far Garibaldi has failed.

  12. Their main pod looks to be, generously, 78m wide by 89m long by 25m thick for 470,000 tonnes. Not even close.

    (All calculation based on measurements from the officially bad leapfrog model provided)

  13. I got 760K @ 1.56% Ni at a 1% Ni cut-off for both zones

  14. Not quite:
    Holes 01-14 were drilled in 2017
    Holes 15-36 (hole 36 is currently underway) were drilled in 2018

    They use EL-YEAR-hole number as their naming convention.

  15. I used a variable SG for the different ore types.
    2.9 for stuff grading less than 1% Ni
    3.5 for material grading 1-2% Ni
    4.5 for material grading >2% Ni (assuming it is massive sulfide ore)

  16. Very good point. I was trying to keep it simple as math tends to send people running screaming for the exits.

  17. Just did an update with a 4% Ni Grade shell. The numbers look better and reflect the higher grade intercepts.
