- Arsenic is controlled by the High-Sulfidation event, the skarn mineralization appears to contain significantly lower As.
- Hole AK-17-002 was OK
- Upper interval was similar to the 2012 resource grade (0.36 g/t Au and 0.48% Cu (link))
- Lower interval - deep and low grade (less than 0.5% Cu Eq at ~400m vertical depth isn't special)
- Hole DHSF17-160 - a very interesting hole,
- Decent, thick intercept of good grades, especially the lower Skarn mineralization
- Hole located in corner of Regulus Concessions. This could mean the best mineralization is off their ground.
table 1 |
table 2 |
I applaud Regulus for including the second table, with Arsenic (As) assays. This is a project with "As issues", so why don't we look at the data a bit more closely.
If we split the assays by mineralization type - High Sulfidation (HS) and Skarn, we can see that the HS mineralization contains much more As than the Skarn.
parts per million (ppm) Arsenic |
The high sulfidation event is introducing additional metals into the system or re-mobilization them.
The good news, the Skarn contains significantly lower As content than the HS mineralization, but are lower grade.
So, if there is a big skarn at AntaKori, As shouldn't be a problem.
Let us look at the drilling data in more detail.
Overall, I was a bit disappointed in this hole. We can split the mineralization into 2 zones.
- Upper Zone - the High Sulfidation system - nothing special, average grade dragged up by a high-grade breccia, the rest of the zone was a bit underwhelming, especially as hole SDH-037 hit 188.55m @ 1.07 g/t Au and 2.02% Cu was only ~80m away.
- Lower Zone - the Skarn zone - generally a bit crap, it was poorly mineralized (less than 0.25% Cu) and deep.
Hole DHSF17-160
This was much more interesting. A good, thick, decent grade skarn drilled where no skarn has been drilled before....
Some nice thick >0.5% Cu with a nice gold bonus. the drill-holes around it didn't hit anything.


There is very little historic drilling in this area, and it suggests that potentially the core of the skarn mineralization could be located between holes DHSF-17-160 and 161, but this is where we start to run into the boundary problem, it suggests that the core (best?) part of the system is located on Coimolache concessions...
So, it will be interesting to see the results from holes AK-17-003 and DHSF17-161